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Campground Project Fundraiser

$192,000 need for all projects

October 4, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As stewards of His work, we are entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining and improving the facilities that serve as the heart of our worship, fellowship, and outreach. Today, we come to you with a heartfelt request for support in several essential areas that will allow us to continue our ministry for years to come.

Our church campground serves as a vital space for gatherings, conferences, and spiritual growth. It is here that countless souls have been nurtured, and lives transformed. However, we are facing several pressing needs that require our immediate attention. After much prayer and deliberation, we present to you the following specific needs.

1. Stephen’s Fund – $10,000

The Stephen’s Fund provides financial assistance to those in our congregations facing hardships. Your support will help us continue to meet the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

2. Cemetery Road Repair – $20,000

Some of the roads within our cemetery are in need of repair to ensure safe access for families and visitors who come to pay respects to their loved ones. This will allow us to preserve the dignity and tranquility of this sacred space.

3.  Print and Publication of New Songbooks – $25,000

Singing is a vital part of our worship experience. We are excited to update and print new song books to continue the tradition of joyful worship and praise in our congregation. CSHC Foundation Trust donated $21,000 to cover paying all the copyrights. This money would be used for printing and publication. 

4.  Video Ministry – $25,000

Our video ministry has been a blessing to many, allowing those who cannot physically attend to participate in our services. We seek to expand and enhance this ministry to reach more souls, spreading the Gospel beyond the walls of our church.

5.  Chapel Roof Replacement – $27,000

The roof of our chapel has deteriorated over time and is in urgent need of replacement to protect this building where Bible School, Funerals, and other Church Services are held. 

6.  HVAC Replacement in the Cafeteria – $30,000

One of the HVAC systems in our cafeteria has reached the end of its lifespan. Replacing it will ensure a comfortable and safe environment for our congregation and guests, especially during large gatherings and events.

7.  New Tractor for the Campground – $55,000

A new tractor will enable us to manage the grounds more efficiently and provide the upkeep necessary for the beauty and functionality of the facilities.

The total cost of these essential projects is $192,000. We are seeking either 

one-time donation or three-year pledge commitment to help meet this goal. No gift is too small, and every contribution will go directly toward ensuring that our church facilities can continue to serve our congregation and community for generations to come.

We prayerfully ask for your support as we work together to fulfill these needs. If you feel led to contribute, you may make a donation online by Venmo which is linked below or by mailing your gift to CSHC, ℅ Glenn Smith, P.O. Box 1465, Perry, GA., 31069. If you are interested in making a pledge, please contact one of the following for more information. 

Scott Hagan (843) 696-7733, or email scotthagan72@gmail.com 

Danny Collins (757) 439-0673, or email DanielVaB@aol.com 

Thank you for your love, prayers, and generosity. May God bless you abundantly for your faithfulness in supporting His work.

In Christ’s service,

Scott Hagan 

Treasurer, Board of Extension

Christ Sanctified Holy Church

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